Tag Archives: jason carlson

The Jason Station

It was bad enough that the large, glowering man, happened to be the little girl’s father, but when he left her at the train station, with someone she didn’t know, you could only hope her life would, somehow, take a turn for the better.  In today’s ‘First Acquaintance‘ post, we find just such a new direction.

A pair of trousers’ legs towered before her.  Dark blue and neatly pressed, they seemed to reach forever.  Her eyes traveled upward to the vee at the joining of the vest.  Then, on past the great gold chain hanging loosely across the line of buttons, to the point at which his black tie shown starkly against the gleaming white shirt.

From above the stiff collar, a face smiled down at her.  It was not like her father’s.  There were no dark bushy brows crouched above fierce black eyes.  These, nearly white, were laughingly placed on a broad forehead above two beautiful blue eyes.  At the moment, however, these seemed very sad, but she knew instinctively that they would twinkle like stars when they were happy.  Beneath a lovely mustache, the wide smiling mouth opened, and again the concerned voice spoke soothingly.

“Well, hello there.  I thought I might never see your face; what with your hands covering it up; but my… you should never hide it, it’s a lovely face, and you have beautiful eyes.”  He chuckled softly.

With these few words, we’re introduced to Jason Carlson, the man Rowena’s father had somehow selected as the girl’s new parent.  And with the same words, she recognized a change for the better may have burst into her life.

Jason has…oops, almost gave away a future episode of First Acquaintance.  Until that article appears, here are a couple of options to help you get better acquainted with Rowena and the characters in her book.