Why Subscribe

If you’re ready to receive email updates from us, head on over to our Sign Up page to get started.  Not 100% sure?  That’s OK, and I’ve got some info that might help you decide.  Dive Into Bluebell will spell out all the benefits YOU get by subscribing to my email updates, and the short section below shares how each subscriber helps the project to get my 94 year-old dad’s writings widely published.

How Does Subscribing Help

Bottom line…it’s not easy getting widely read.  In a 2017 article, HuffPost listed ‘Ten Awful Truths’ about book publishing and the one that grabbed me was “a book has less than a 1% chance of being stocked in an average bookstore.”  And that’s even if it gets published which is no sure thing.

Over the years, my dad has submitted his writing 108 times to 54 different publications.  Most have been short stories but he has submitted 4 of his novels a total of 16 times, including “Bluebell” (the one I’m focusing my efforts on) 4 times.  He’s had one short story published in 1981.  Does that mean his writing isn’t any good?

I say absolutely not and that’s where the interest, fueled by a large number of blog subscribers comes in.  Since beginning this project, I’ve come to realize, from events such as TV talent competitions, that many very gifted people were simply, at one time, less well known.

So assuming dad’s writing is in the ‘gifted’ category, building a fan base could be a very important step to a successful publishing outcome.

If you weren’t convinced before about the value of subscribing to Read My Dad’s Stuff, I hope you are now, and will head over to our Sign Up page.  And there’s nothing wrong with checking out Dive Into Bluebell for all those goodies you can get by subscribing.